diff --git a/umbra/dutch_mmetaphone.py b/umbra/dutch_mmetaphone.py
index 6a3d1cbadbebb5d8afb577dd7d1c4cbb600e170b..caa5dc53e3cb0efb03a3305f02881481853460c0 100644
--- a/umbra/dutch_mmetaphone.py
+++ b/umbra/dutch_mmetaphone.py
@@ -213,8 +213,6 @@ class DutchPhonetics:
                 source = source[:amb_pos] + "+" + source[amb_pos + 1:]
                 amb_pos = source.find(amb)
-        print(source, representations)
         return source, representations
diff --git a/umbra/mistake_finder.py b/umbra/mistake_finder.py
index f90ce08e48ec227ad435b9e73edf919fee759ee1..90ac984de2a947b19cd92e25189221cb30062f74 100644
--- a/umbra/mistake_finder.py
+++ b/umbra/mistake_finder.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ from dutch_mmetaphone import DutchPhonetics
 class MistakeFinder:
     """Finds the mistakes in already aligned lists of Words"""
-    def __init__(self, seman_checker):
+    def __init__(self, seman_checker, form_checker):
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ class MistakeFinder:
             seman_checker: Instance of the SemanticChecker class
         self._seman_checker = seman_checker
+        self._form_checker = form_checker
         self._source = None
         self._shadow = None
@@ -38,7 +39,9 @@ class MistakeFinder:
         for word in self._shadow:
-            if not word.correct and word.mistake != Mistake.RANDOM:
+            if word.mistake == Mistake.REPETITION or word.mistake\
+                    == Mistake.SEMANTIC or word.mistake == Mistake.FORM or\
+                    word.mistake == Mistake.PHONETIC:
                 print(str(word) + " " + str(word.mistake))
     def _determine_mistake(self, index, word):
@@ -50,12 +53,13 @@ class MistakeFinder:
              word: Instance of the Words class
-        if not self._check_repetition(word, index):  # If not a repetition,
-            # if not self._check_form_mistake(word):  # form,
-                if not self._check_semantic_mistake(word, index):  # semantic,
-                    if not self._check_phonetic_mistake(word, index):  # phon;
+        # Check for all the types of mistakes, and if it is none of them ...
+        if not self._check_repetition(word, index):
+            if not self._check_form_mistake(word, index):
+                if not self._check_semantic_mistake(word, index):
+                    if not self._check_phonetic_mistake(word, index):
                         # ... then shadow word is random:
-                            word.mistake = Mistake.RANDOM
+                        word.mistake = Mistake.RANDOM
     def _check_phonetic_mistake(self, shd_word, index):
         """Checks if shd_word is a phonetic mistake or not. If yes, it flags
@@ -79,10 +83,12 @@ class MistakeFinder:
                 not phonetic_mistake and src_index < (
                 len(self._source) - 1):  # Crude fix, but removes error
             src_word = self._source[src_index]
-            if DutchPhonetics.compare(src_word.word, shd_word.word):
+            phonetic_mistake = self.phonetically_related(src_word, shd_word)
+            if phonetic_mistake:
                 shd_word.mistake = Mistake.PHONETIC
-                src_word.mistake = Mistake.PHONETIC
-                phonetic_mistake = True
+                shd_word.source = src_word
+                if not src_word.shadowed and src_word.mistake is None:
+                    src_word.mistake = Mistake.PHONETIC
             src_index += 1
         return phonetic_mistake
@@ -105,16 +111,38 @@ class MistakeFinder:
             src_index = self._source.index(
         while self._source[src_index].get_difference(shd_word) > 0 and\
-                not semantic_mistake and src_index < (
-                len(self._source)-1):  # Crude fix, but removes error
+                not semantic_mistake and src_index < (len(self._source)-1):
             src_word = self._source[src_index]
-            if self.semantically_related(src_word, shd_word):
+            semantic_mistake = self.semantically_related(src_word, shd_word)
+            if semantic_mistake:
                 shd_word.mistake = Mistake.SEMANTIC
-                src_word.mistake = Mistake.SEMANTIC
-                semantic_mistake = True
+                shd_word.source = src_word
+                if not src_word.shadowed and src_word.mistake is None:
+                    src_word.mistake = Mistake.SEMANTIC
             src_index += 1
         return semantic_mistake
+    def _check_form_mistake(self, shd_word, index):
+        if shd_word.word == "te":
+            print("te")
+        form_mistake = False
+        last_shd_index = self._shadow.find_last_matched_shadow(index)
+        if last_shd_index < 0:
+            src_index = 0
+        else:
+            src_index = self._source.index(self._shadow[last_shd_index].source)
+        while self._source[src_index].get_difference(shd_word) > 0 and\
+                not form_mistake and src_index < len(self._source) - 1:
+            src_word = self._source[src_index]
+            form_mistake = self.form_related(src_word, shd_word)
+            if form_mistake:
+                shd_word.mistake = Mistake.FORM
+                shd_word.source = src_word
+                if not src_word.shadowed and src_word.mistake is None:
+                    src_word.mistake = Mistake.FORM
+            src_index += 1
+        return form_mistake
     def _check_repetition(self, word, index):
         Check whether a word can be seen as a repetition mistake
@@ -170,8 +198,7 @@ class MistakeFinder:
         return chain
     def semantically_related(self, src_word, shd_word):
-        """Checks if src_word and shd_word are semantically related. If yes, it
-        flags both as semantic mistakes.
+        """Checks if src_word and shd_word are semantically related.
             src_word: SourceWord instance
@@ -183,10 +210,40 @@ class MistakeFinder:
         shd_string = shd_word.word
         src_string = src_word.word
         related = self._seman_checker.semantically_related(src_string,
-                                                           shd_string)
-        if related:
-            shd_word.mistake = Mistake.SEMANTIC
-            src_word.mistake = Mistake.SEMANTIC
+                                                           shd_string)\
+            and shd_string != src_string
+        return related
+    def phonetically_related(self, src_word, shd_word):
+        """Checks if src_word and shd_word are phonetically related.
+        Args:
+            src_word: SourceWord instance
+            shd_word: ShadowWord instance
+        Returns:
+            related: True if src_word and shd_word are phonetically related,
+            False if not.
+        """
+        shd_string = shd_word.word
+        src_string = src_word.word
+        related = DutchPhonetics.compare(src_string, shd_string)\
+            and shd_string != src_string
+        return related
+    def form_related(self, src_word, shd_word):
+        """Checks if src_word and shd_word are related in form.
+        Args:
+            src_word: SourceWord instance
+            shd_word: ShadowWord instance
+        Returns:
+            related: True if src_word and shd_word are related in form,
+            False if not.
+        """
+        shd_string = shd_word.word
+        src_string = src_word.word
+        related = self._form_checker.form_related(src_string, shd_string) and\
+            shd_string != src_string
         return related
     def print_for_nw(self, source, shadow):
diff --git a/umbra/statistics.py b/umbra/statistics.py
index df0f04bfb20af725e2b8fd4d48f71c7ebfe7b43d..ef135a88089c90a9a9760404ae00ca7bd0e6c92e 100644
--- a/umbra/statistics.py
+++ b/umbra/statistics.py
@@ -20,11 +20,12 @@ class Statistics:
         # currently the case, so the two operate seperately in this class.
         # _parser and _seman_checker should be moved to MistakeFinder when
         # possible
-        self.path = ut.get_path("OpenDutchWordnet/resources/odwn/odwn_orbn_gwg-LMF_1.3.xml.gz")
+        self.path = ut.get_path(
+            "OpenDutchWordnet/resources/odwn/odwn_orbn_gwg-LMF_1.3.xml.gz")
         self._seman_checker = SemanticChecker()
         self._form_checker = FormChecker()
-        self._mistake_finder = MistakeFinder(self._seman_checker)
+        self._mistake_finder = MistakeFinder(self._seman_checker,
+                                             self._form_checker)
         self._mistake_counter = MistakeCounter()
diff --git a/umbra/words.py b/umbra/words.py
index 9db5f7cd0118d79447ac7fd37c3494575068ddef..f2dc49ee80c514b3a3bbb0dec94a4d04a9b934f0 100644
--- a/umbra/words.py
+++ b/umbra/words.py
@@ -231,6 +231,25 @@ class Sentence(list):
                     return index
                 index -= 1
         return -1
+    def find_last_matched_shadow(self, index):
+        """Find the index of the last shadowed word.
+        Args:
+            index: the index before which should be sought for a shadow word
+            that is matched with a source word.
+        Returns:
+            last_index: the index of the previous matched shadow. This is -1
+            if there is no matches shadow before or on the specified index, or
+            if the index was out of bounds.
+        """
+        if 0 <= index < len(self):
+            while index >= 0:
+                if self[index].has_source():
+                    return index
+                index -= 1
+        return index
     def __str__(self):
         return ' '.join([word.word for word in self])