diff --git a/umbra/saa_Romeo.py b/umbra/saa_Romeo.py
index 6b7d87478cfe7ed0e0f037793946a4ef57900fc4..1ff17c9abdf38cb3c0c9336fd4a354fbe40bb847 100644
--- a/umbra/saa_Romeo.py
+++ b/umbra/saa_Romeo.py
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ class SaaRomeo(AlignmentStrategy):
         self._mismatch = -2
         self._gap_sc = -1
         self._pointers = ['diag', 'up', 'left']
+        self._source = None
+        self._shadow = None
     def align(self, source, shadow):
         """ This is the main function of finding alignments.
@@ -29,28 +31,25 @@ class SaaRomeo(AlignmentStrategy):
              alignment_shadow: The found alignment for the shadow file
         discrete_start_time = time.time()
-        matrix = self._initialize_matrix(source, shadow)
-        matrix = self._fill_matrix(matrix, source, shadow)
-        alignment_source, alignment_shadow = self._traceback(matrix,
-                                                             source, shadow)
+        self._source = source
+        self._shadow = shadow
+        matrix = self._initialize_matrix()
+        matrix = self._fill_matrix(matrix)
+        alignment_source, alignment_shadow = self._traceback(matrix)
         discrete_time = time.time() - discrete_start_time
         print(f'taken time:{discrete_time}')
-        return alignment_source, alignment_shadow
+        return self._source, self._shadow
-    def _initialize_matrix(self, source, shadow):
+    def _initialize_matrix(self):
         """The matrix is initialized according to the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm
-        Args:
-            source: Sentence of Word instances of the source file
-            shadow: Sentence of Word instances of the shadow file
             matrix: A matrix containing the values and pointers, the latter
             indicating what shift in the matrix we take (up, up-left or left).
             The matrix that will be returned will have the default values
-        n = len(source)
-        m = len(shadow)
+        n = len(self._source)
+        m = len(self._shadow)
         matrix = np.array([[{'value': self._gap_sc*y, 'pointer': 'up'}
                             if x == 0 else
                             {'value': self._gap_sc*x, 'pointer': 'left'}
@@ -60,26 +59,24 @@ class SaaRomeo(AlignmentStrategy):
                             for y in range(m + 1)])
         return matrix
-    def _fill_matrix(self, matrix, source, shadow):
+    def _fill_matrix(self, matrix):
         """The matrix is filled according to the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm
             matrix: A matrix containing the values and pointers, the latter
             indicating what shift in the matrix we take (up, up-left or left).
             Now the matrix still has its default values
-            source: Sentence of Word instances of the source file
-            shadow: Sentence of Word instances of the shadow file
             matrix: A matrix containing the values and pointers, the latter
             indicating what shift in the matrix we take (up, up-left or left).
             Now the matrix's values and pointers are updated
-        n = len(source)
-        m = len(shadow)
+        n = len(self._source)
+        m = len(self._shadow)
         for i in range(1, m+1):
             for j in range(1, n+1):
-                if shadow[i-1].__eq__(source[j-1]):
+                if self._shadow[i-1].__eq__(self._source[j-1]):
                     value = self._match
                     value = self._mismatch
@@ -92,55 +89,51 @@ class SaaRomeo(AlignmentStrategy):
                     self._pointers[np.argmax([match_value, delete, insert])]
         return matrix
-    def _traceback(self, matrix, source, shadow):
+    def _traceback(self, matrix):
         """Traces back to top left to print the found alignment.
             matrix: A matrix containing the values and pointers, the latter
             indicating what shift in the matrix we take (up, up-left or left)
-            source: Sentence of Word instances of the source file
-            shadow: Sentence of Word instances of the shadow file
             alignment_source: The alignment of source words
             alignment_shadow: The alignment of shadow words
-        j = len(source)
-        i = len(shadow)
+        j = len(self._source)
+        i = len(self._shadow)
         alignment_source = []
         alignment_shadow = []
         while i > 0 or j > 0:
             if matrix[i][j]['pointer'] == 'diag':
-                alignment_source.append(source[j - 1])
-                alignment_shadow.append(shadow[i - 1])
+                alignment_source.append(self._source[j - 1])
+                alignment_shadow.append(self._shadow[i - 1])
+                if self._source[j-1].__eq__(self._shadow[i-1]):
+                    self._source[j-1].shadowed = True
+                    self._shadow[i-1].source = self._source[j-1]
                 i -= 1
                 j -= 1
             elif matrix[i][j]['pointer'] == 'left':
-                alignment_source.append(source[j - 1])
+                alignment_source.append(self._source[j - 1])
                 j -= 1
             elif matrix[i][j]['pointer'] == 'up':
-                alignment_shadow.append(shadow[i - 1])
+                alignment_shadow.append(self._shadow[i - 1])
                 i -= 1
         #Finish tracing back to top-left
         while j > 0:
-            alignment_source.append(source[j - 1])
+            alignment_source.append(self._source[j - 1])
             j -= 1
         while i > 0:
-            alignment_shadow.append(shadow[i - 1])
+            alignment_shadow.append(self._shadow[i - 1])
             i -= 1
-        for source_word, shadow_word in zip(alignment_source, alignment_shadow):
-            if type(source_word) is not Gap and type(shadow_word) is not Gap:
-                if source_word == shadow_word:
-                    source_word.shadowed = True
         return Sentence(alignment_source), Sentence(alignment_shadow)