- Nov 25, 2019
Alfen, T. van (Tanja) authored
Sc 107/default extention file selection See merge request !35
Vriezen, E.C. (Emma) authored
Vriezen, E.C. (Emma) authored
Vriezen, E.C. (Emma) authored
Vriezen, E.C. (Emma) authored
Updated the select_file in controller.py. Now it has .csv as default, and it automatically goes to the correct dirs for fileselection (assuming you use this project. Else, no problems happen). Also removed code duplication in this method.
Vriezen, E.C. (Emma) authored
Vriezen, E.C. (Emma) authored
Vriezen, E.C. (Emma) authored
- Nov 19, 2019
Alfen, T. van (Tanja) authored
Alfen, T. van (Tanja) authored
Alfen, T. van (Tanja) authored
Vriezen, E.C. (Emma) authored
Haak, R. (Romeo) authored
Haak, R. (Romeo) authored
Made a small comparison of the outputs and made sure that the strategy (algorithm) that is to be used can be chosen here.
Haak, R. (Romeo) authored
It is integrated with the existing framework
Haak, R. (Romeo) authored
line is important such that it overrides the find_alignment method in Alignment_Strategy
Haak, R. (Romeo) authored
Put a general class that is supposed to be an interface to resemble the strategy pattern. The now existing algorithms implement the find_alignment method
- Nov 18, 2019
Haak, R. (Romeo) authored
Luttikholt, T.J. (Thijs) authored
Fixed some bugs and rewrote the code in such a way that the pointer class is no longer needed. Since this class did not have a lot of functionality.
Alfen, T. van (Tanja) authored
Luttikholt, T.J. (Thijs) authored
I modified several things about the Needleman-Wunsch implementation. These changes made the code more readable and also shorter. It also allowed me to several functions and parameters from the Pointer class. Since those were no longer needed. One primary change is that I have changed the pointer-frame from a list structure to a numpy array. Which allowed for easier operations and allowed me to shorten several lines.
Haak, R. (Romeo) authored
Alfen, T. van (Tanja) authored
Alfen, T. van (Tanja) authored
Luttikholt, T.J. (Thijs) authored
I have included a dummy accuracy score function. The current version is based on the shadowed attribute of source words. This also means that it will only function properly after this attribute has been assigned to its correct value for every source word.
- Nov 17, 2019
Vriezen, E.C. (Emma) authored
Vriezen, E.C. (Emma) authored
Finalised the algorithm. Only have to update the documentation and format the code (aka make smaller functions).
- Nov 15, 2019
Vriezen, E.C. (Emma) authored
Added the new version. Will clean up the code later. Tried testing with other files. Seems to work alright, though there are things going wrong for file 9.
Vriezen, E.C. (Emma) authored
Added get_difference function in Word classes and started on a new version of my comparison algorithm. However, I will restart next time. I have the idea to work with anchors: words that only occur once in both files will serve as anchors, and the remaining words will only be matched between two sets of anchors.
Vriezen, E.C. (Emma) authored
Alfen, T. van (Tanja) authored
I made sure my implementation of the sequence alignment algorithm works with... See merge request !25
- Nov 14, 2019
Luttikholt, T.J. (Thijs) authored
I made sure my implementation of the sequence alignment algorithm works with the recently changed strategy of the program. I also improved the implementation, such that it now gives the correct results. Note that while the program does give the correct results, it does not do this in an optimal way yet.
- Nov 13, 2019
Vriezen, E.C. (Emma) authored
Analysed the code more and tried to solve the problem of it skipping a word while it should not. Isolated the problem, to be fixed later. Also fixed the shadow_index that is returned by search_locally.
Alfen, T. van (Tanja) authored
Alfen, T. van (Tanja) authored
Added self.save_pref initialisation to init to fix 'AttributeError: 'ModelClass' object has no attribute 'save_pref'
Alfen, T. van (Tanja) authored
Added self.save_pref initialisation to init to fix 'AttributeError: 'ModelClass' object has no attribute 'save_pref'
- Nov 12, 2019
Vriezen, E.C. (Emma) authored
Improved code quality of search_locally and added functionality to compare(), both in data_comparer.py. Now the compare() method looks back in time. I manually compared it with the so called true comparison. It goes wrong at two places, which I have noted down and will change another day.
Alfen, T. van (Tanja) authored
Alfen, T. van (Tanja) authored
Vriezen, E.C. (Emma) authored