- Dec 03, 2019
Nijsen, T authored
Tested the algorithm on the test data and tried implementing another rule. Lastly inspected the results.
- Dec 02, 2019
Nijsen, T authored
Extended the algorithm to deal with diacritic symbols where possible. Furthermore put all functions in a class.
- Dec 01, 2019
Nijsen, T authored
- Nov 30, 2019
Nijsen, T authored
Coded a good basis for the algorithm. Now can deal with ambiguos sounds, a few interaction effects, and a few spelling rules. Still needs some extension.
- Nov 29, 2019
- Nov 28, 2019
Nijsen, T authored
Extended the algorithm to deal with multiple ambiguous cases and return all posibilities. Added example of how it could be integrated into the rest of the program. Plus added a few more cases.
Nijsen, T authored
Expanded the algorithm such that a general rule is used to translate words to a phonetic representation. Only more examples need to be added now.
Nijsen, T authored
Tested the phonetics library for dutch language support. Since it failed started on a dutch implementation of the same algorithm.
- Nov 27, 2019
Alfen, T. van (Tanja) authored
Alfen, T. van (Tanja) authored
Alfen, T. van (Tanja) authored
Alfen, T. van (Tanja) authored
Hees, L.J.H. (Laurens) authored
Haak, R. (Romeo) authored
Haak, R. (Romeo) authored
Haak, R. (Romeo) authored
Haak, R. (Romeo) authored
Haak, R. (Romeo) authored
Haak, R. (Romeo) authored
Alfen, T. van (Tanja) authored
Added .csv as explicit default file type for file selection, some syntactic and spelling improvements.
Alfen, T. van (Tanja) authored
Introduced additional elegant type checks (source/shadow) and fixed an error introduced through previous commit
Alfen, T. van (Tanja) authored
'Uncluttered' action-value pair splitting in actionlistener and adapted filereader call according to expected new structure.
Haak, R. (Romeo) authored
Haak, R. (Romeo) authored
Updated the bookkeeping of which words are shadowed to account for gaps, otherwise errors would occur
Haak, R. (Romeo) authored
Removed the functions to calculate the latencies and mistakes as they relied on the old frame which is deprecated.
- Nov 26, 2019
Alfen, T. van (Tanja) authored
Haak, R. (Romeo) authored
The way it is currently fed to extract_data and df_to_words will not work, this needs to be looked at.
Haak, R. (Romeo) authored
Haak, R. (Romeo) authored
Haak, R. (Romeo) authored
Haak, R. (Romeo) authored
Haak, R. (Romeo) authored
Haak, R. (Romeo) authored
Refactored all namings such that the functions using the functions in Word which were named differently after the update work again.
Haak, R. (Romeo) authored
Refactored the naming of the function and added the get_difference function again as it was necessary for data_comparer
Alfen, T. van (Tanja) authored
Alfen, T. van (Tanja) authored
Alfen, T. van (Tanja) authored
Alfen, T. van (Tanja) authored
Merge branch 'refactoring/master' of gitlab.socsci.ru.nl:msdt/team1920-speechcomparison into refactoring/master
Alfen, T. van (Tanja) authored