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Commit 761c883c authored by Xianzong Meng's avatar Xianzong Meng
Browse files

python code

parent dbb1524d
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from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QCheckBox
from PyQt5.Qt import QLineEdit
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
import sys
import cv2 #Imports the OpenCv packages
import numpy as np #Imports the Numpy packages and calls it np
import datetime
import serial
threshold = 250.00
#Define the threshold For the movement detection Higher number means more movement is needed
red = (0, 0, 255) #Define the color Red
green = (0, 255, 0)
name = ""
RecordPath = '/home/pi/Desktop/savevideo/'
videoname = RecordPath + name +'.avi'
arduino = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM0', 9600)
class Ui_MainWindow(QtWidgets.QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super().__init__(parent) #
self.timer_camera = QtCore.QTimer() # set timer for Video frame rate
self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture() # video
self.CAM_NUM = 0 # webcam
self.left = 300 = 150
self.width = 800
self.height = 800
self.X = False
self.set_ui() # initiate
self.slot_init() #
'''Program interface layout'''
def set_ui(self):
self.__layout_main = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() # general layout
self.setGeometry(self.left,, self.width, self.height)
self.__layout_fun_button = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() # buttons layout
self.__layout_data_show = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() # video layout
self.button_entername = QtWidgets.QPushButton('enter name') # enter name
self.button_open_camera = QtWidgets.QPushButton('open camera') # open video button
self.button_save = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Record')
self.button_close = QtWidgets.QPushButton('quit') # quit button
self.ROIAcheckbox = QCheckBox("ROIA", self)
self.ROIBcheckbox = QCheckBox("ROIB", self)
self.ROICcheckbox = QCheckBox("ROIC", self)
self.ROIDcheckbox = QCheckBox("ROID", self)
self.ROIEcheckbox = QCheckBox("ROIE", self)
self.textbox = QLineEdit(self)
self.textbox.resize(140, 40)
self.button_open_camera.setMinimumHeight(50) # size of button
self.button_entername.setMinimumHeight(50) # enter name
self.textbox.move(10, 0)
'''information display'''
self.label_show_camera = QtWidgets.QLabel() # define video Label
self.label_show_camera.setFixedSize(640, 480) # set video Label size640x480
'''add button into layout'''
self.__layout_fun_button.addWidget(self.button_close) #
'''Add some controls to the overall layout'''
self.__layout_main.addLayout(self.__layout_fun_button) #
self.__layout_main.addWidget(self.label_show_camera) #
'''After the general layout is arranged, you can pass the general layout as a parameter to the following function'''
self.setLayout(self.__layout_main) # display all the controls
'''Initialize all slot functions'''
def slot_init(self):
self.button_open_camera.clicked.connect(self.button_open_camera_clicked) #
self.timer_camera.timeout.connect(self.show_camera) #
self.button_close.clicked.connect(self.button_close_clicked) #
def button_open_camera_clicked(self):
if self.timer_camera.isActive() == False: #
flag = # webcam
if flag == False: #
QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning(self, 'warning', "check the camera link with laptop", buttons=QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok)
self.timer_camera.start(30) # get frame every 30ms from camera
self.button_open_camera.setText('close camera')
self.timer_camera.stop() #
self.cap.release() #
self.label_show_camera.clear() # clear video play area
self.button_open_camera.setText('open camera')
self.X = False
def show_camera(self):
flag, self.image = #
show = cv2.resize(self.image, (640, 480)) # resize to 640x480
_, previous = # Save a frame of the webcam
_, current =
currenta = current[406:501,89:184]
currentb = current[405:500,138:232]
currentc = current[404:500,187:280]
currentd = current[403:499,235:327]
currente = current[406:502,327:414]
previous_croppeda = previous[406:501, 89:184]
previous_croppedb = previous[405:500,138:232]
previous_croppedc = previous[404:500,187:280]
previous_croppedd = previous[403:499,235:327]
previous_croppede = previous[406:502,327:414]
erra = np.sum((previous_croppeda.astype("float") - currenta.astype("float")) ** 2) # Perfomes the MSE formula
erra /= float(previous_croppeda.shape[0] * previous_croppeda.shape[1])
errb = np.sum((previous_croppedb.astype("float") - currentb.astype("float")) ** 2) # Perfomes the MSE formula
errb /= float(previous_croppedb.shape[0] * previous_croppedb.shape[1])
errc = np.sum((previous_croppedc.astype("float") - currentc.astype("float")) ** 2) # Perfomes the MSE formula
errc /= float(previous_croppedc.shape[0] * previous_croppedc.shape[1])
errd = np.sum((previous_croppedd.astype("float") - currentd.astype("float")) ** 2) # Perfomes the MSE formula
errd /= float(previous_croppedd.shape[0] * previous_croppedd.shape[1])
erre = np.sum((previous_croppede.astype("float") - currente.astype("float")) ** 2) # Perfomes the MSE formula
erre /= float(previous_croppede.shape[0] * previous_croppede.shape[1])
if self.ROIstate==0:
print('please select ROI')
if self.ROIstate==1:
if (erra >= threshold): # Checks if the err is bigger or equal to the treshold
print(erra) # Prints the Err
print("Area A Movement!") # Prints that there is movement
points = np.array([[[406,89], [406, 184], [501, 184], [501, 89]]],
np.int32) # Defines the points for a square where the detection area should be on the full version of the frame
cv2.polylines(previous, [points], True, red, thickness=2)
if (erra < threshold): # Checks if the err is smaller then the treshold
points = np.array([[[406,89], [406, 184], [501, 184], [501, 89]]],
np.int32) # Defines the points for a square where the detection area should be on the full version of the frame
cv2.polylines(previous, [points], True, green, thickness=2)
if self.ROIstate==2:
if (errb >= threshold): # Checks if the err is bigger or equal to the treshold
print(erra) # Prints the Err
print("Area B Movement!") # Prints that there is movement
points = np.array([[[405, 138], [405, 232], [500, 232], [500, 138]]],
np.int32) # Defines the points for a square where the detection area should be on the full version of the frame
cv2.polylines(previous, [points], True, red, thickness=2)
if (errb < threshold): # Checks if the err is smaller then the treshold
points = np.array([[[405, 138], [405, 232], [500, 232], [500, 138]]],
np.int32) # Defines the points for a square where the detection area should be on the full version of the frame
cv2.polylines(previous, [points], True, green, thickness=2)
if self.ROIstate==3:
if (errc >= threshold): # Checks if the err is bigger or equal to the treshold
print(erra) # Prints the Err
print("Area C Movement!") # Prints that there is movement
points = np.array([[[404, 187], [404, 280], [500, 280], [500, 187]]],
np.int32) # Defines the points for a square where the detection area should be on the full version of the frame
cv2.polylines(previous, [points], True, red, thickness=2)
if (errc < threshold): # Checks if the err is smaller then the treshold
points = np.array([[[404, 187], [404, 280], [500, 280], [500, 187]]],
np.int32) # Defines the points for a square where the detection area should be on the full version of the frame
cv2.polylines(previous, [points], True, green, thickness=2)
if self.ROIstate==4:
if (errd >= threshold): # Checks if the err is bigger or equal to the treshold
print(erra) # Prints the Err
print("Area D Movement!") # Prints that there is movement
points = np.array([[[403, 235], [403, 327], [499, 327], [499, 235]]], np.int32)
cv2.polylines(previous, [points], True, red, thickness=2)
if (errd < threshold): # Checks if the err is smaller then the treshold
points = np.array([[[403, 235], [403, 327], [499, 327], [499, 235]]],
np.int32) # Defines the points for a square where the detection area should be on the full version of the frame
cv2.polylines(previous, [points], True, green, thickness=2)
if self.ROIstate==5:
if (erre >= threshold): # Checks if the err is bigger or equal to the treshold
print(erra) # Prints the Err
print("Area E Movement!") # Prints that there is movement
points = np.array([[[406, 327], [406, 414], [502, 414], [502, 327]]],
np.int32) # Defines the points for a square where the detection area should be on the full version of the frame
cv2.polylines(previous, [points], True, red, thickness=2)
if (erre < threshold): # Checks if the err is smaller then the treshold
points = np.array([[[406, 327], [406, 414], [502, 414], [502, 327]]],
np.int32) # Defines the points for a square where the detection area should be on the full version of the frame
cv2.polylines(previous, [points], True, green, thickness=2)
show = cv2.cvtColor(previous, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # color back to RGB
showImage = QtGui.QImage(, show.shape[1], show.shape[0], QtGui.QImage.Format_RGB888) #
self.label_show_camera.setPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(showImage)) # display Qimage
if self.X == True:
def button_save_clicked(self):
global out
fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID')
out = cv2.VideoWriter(videoname, fourcc, 10.0, (640, 480), True)
self.X = True
def button_entername_clicked(self):
global name
global videoname
name = (self.textbox.text())
time ="%Y%m%d_%H%M")
videoname = RecordPath + time + name + '.avi'
def button_close_clicked(self):
def ROIAcheckbox_clicked(self,state):
if state==Qt.Checked:
def ROIBcheckbox_clicked(self, state):
if state == Qt.Checked:
def ROICcheckbox_clicked(self, state):
if state == Qt.Checked:
self.ROIstate = 3
def ROIDcheckbox_clicked(self, state):
if state == Qt.Checked:
self.ROIstate = 4
def ROIEcheckbox_clicked(self, state):
if state == Qt.Checked:
self.ROIstate = 5
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) #
ui = Ui_MainWindow() # #
sys.exit(app.exec_()) #
# to be achieved: 1. name the file
# 2. open camera will not save video, only save button pressed will start saving video
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