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Created with Raphaël 2.2.016Feb4Oct26Jun4Apr324Mar151398426Feb7515Jan514Oct9Jul6contrast at individual postion, cohen'd calculation based on estimatite_contrastsmainmainadd bodyweight dataMerge branch 'main' of README fileMerge branch 'main' of README.mdknite filekniteMerge branch 'main' of updateMerge branch 'main' of spare codesggarange figure4c and 4dfurther investigate medium sex:restriction on approachingMerge branch 'main' of investigate medium sex:restriction on approachingcolor, lable changescolor changeFig beautifyexport with sizemake combined plot with ggarrangechange geom_jitter to facet_wrap to beautify the figsbeautify test plotthis code is for practice only, to make figs look betterMerge branch 'main' of ggsave function to figsadd image saving functionAdd LICENSEremove duplicatedata reorganize:approaching is time after leaving (not cluding leaving)correct PND from 100 to 140adding anova based p value test, and plot modificaitonoriginal data (comma delimited)original data,CSV UTF8 formatoriginal dataPython code removing unrelavant notepython codeArduino codes addedInitial commit