title: "TPH2 KO statistics"
output: github_document
author: "Alex Meng, Joanes Grandjean"
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, eval=FALSE,warning = FALSE,message=FALSE)
# Setup environement
Download DABEST
```{r setup env}
# you just need to run these once.
# Load pacakges
```{r load env}
library(wesanderson) # see
pal <- wes_palette("Darjeeling1")
###behavioural tests EPM (Fig1)
##Fig1 dataset description:
A. Experimental diagram
B. Open arms duration
C. Number of entry into closed arms
D. Latency time for first time entering open arms
E. Total distance moved
##FigS1 dataset description:
A. Closed arms duration
B. Number of entry into open arms
df <- read_csv('assets/tables/EPM_open_arms_duration.csv', col_types = cols()) %>% melt() %>% dplyr::rename(group = variable) %>% drop_na()
df %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(mean=round(mean(value),2), sd=round(sd(value),2))
p_tmp<- c(t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value, t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2-/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value)
dabest_hedges <- dabest(df, group, value, idx = c('Tph2+/+','Tph2+/-','Tph2-/-'), paired = FALSE) %>% hedges_g()
Fig1A<-plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal, rawplot.ylabel = "duration in open arms (%)")
ggsave('assets/figure/Fig1B.svg', plot = Fig1A, device = 'svg',dpi = 300)
dabest_hedges$result %>% mutate(p = p_tmp)
```{r EPM_entry closed arms}
df <- read_csv('assets/tables/EPM_entry_closed_arms.csv', col_types = cols()) %>% melt() %>% dplyr::rename(group = variable) %>% drop_na()
df %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(mean=round(mean(value),2), sd=round(sd(value),2))
p_tmp<- c(t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value, t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2-/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value)
dabest_hedges <- dabest(df, group, value, idx = c('Tph2+/+','Tph2+/-','Tph2-/-'), paired = FALSE) %>% hedges_g()
Fig1C<-plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal, rawplot.ylabel = "number of entry")
ggsave('assets/figure/EPM_entry_closed_arms.svg', plot = Fig1C, device = 'svg',dpi = 300)
dabest_hedges$result %>% mutate(p = p_tmp)
```{r EPM_first entry latency}
df <- read_csv('assets/tables/EPM_first_time_entry.csv', col_types = cols()) %>% melt() %>% dplyr::rename(group = variable) %>% drop_na()
df %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(mean=round(mean(value),2), sd=round(sd(value),2))
p_tmp<- c(t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value, t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2-/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value)
dabest_hedges <- dabest(df, group, value, idx = c('Tph2+/+','Tph2+/-','Tph2-/-'), paired = FALSE) %>% hedges_g()
Fig1E<-plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal, rawplot.ylabel = "latency time (s)")
ggsave('assets/figure/EPM_first_time_entry.svg', plot = Fig1E, device = 'svg',dpi = 300)
dabest_hedges$result %>% mutate(p = p_tmp)
```{r EPM_total distance}
df <- read_csv('assets/tables/EPM_total_distance.csv', col_types = cols()) %>% melt() %>% dplyr::rename(group = variable) %>% drop_na()
df %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(mean=round(mean(value),2), sd=round(sd(value),2))
p_tmp<- c(t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value, t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2-/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value)
dabest_hedges <- dabest(df, group, value, idx = c('Tph2+/+','Tph2+/-','Tph2-/-'), paired = FALSE) %>% hedges_g()
Fig1F<-plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal, rawplot.ylabel = "total distance moved (cm)")
ggsave('assets/figure/EPM total distance.svg', plot = Fig1F, device = 'svg',dpi = 300)
dabest_hedges$result %>% mutate(p = p_tmp)
```{r EPM_closed arms duration}
df <- read_csv('assets/tables/EPM_closed_arms_duration.csv', col_types = cols()) %>% melt() %>% dplyr::rename(group = variable) %>% drop_na()
df %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(mean=round(mean(value),2), sd=round(sd(value),2))
p_tmp<- c(t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value, t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2-/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value)
dabest_hedges <- dabest(df, group, value, idx = c('Tph2+/+','Tph2+/-','Tph2-/-'), paired = FALSE) %>% hedges_g()
Fig1B<-plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal, rawplot.ylabel = "duration in closed arms (%)")
ggsave('assets/figure/EPM_closed_arms_duration.svg', plot = Fig1B, device = 'svg',dpi = 300)
dabest_hedges$result %>% mutate(p = p_tmp)
```{r EPM_entry open arms}
df <- read_csv('assets/tables/EPM_entry_open_arms.csv', col_types = cols()) %>% melt() %>% dplyr::rename(group = variable) %>% drop_na()
df %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(mean=round(mean(value),2), sd=round(sd(value),2))
p_tmp<- c(t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value, t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2-/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value)
dabest_hedges <- dabest(df, group, value, idx = c('Tph2+/+','Tph2+/-','Tph2-/-'), paired = FALSE) %>% hedges_g()
Fig1D<-plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal, rawplot.ylabel = "number of entry")
ggsave('assets/figure/EPM_entry_open_arms.svg', plot = Fig1D, device = 'svg',dpi = 300)
dabest_hedges$result %>% mutate(p = p_tmp)
###behavioural tests Social interaction (Fig2)
##Fig2 dataset description:
A. Experimental diagram
B. Total no contact
C. Total mounting
D. Total aggressiveness
##FigS2 dataset description:
A. Total no contact at different time intervals
B. Total mounting at different time intervals
C. Total aggressiveness at different time intervals
df <- read_csv('assets/tables/SI_total_no_contact.csv', col_types = cols()) %>% melt() %>% dplyr::rename(group = variable) %>% drop_na()
df %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(mean=round(mean(value),2), sd=round(sd(value),2))
p_tmp<- c(t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value, t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2-/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value)
dabest_hedges <- dabest(df, group, value, idx = c('Tph2+/+','Tph2+/-','Tph2-/-'), paired = FALSE) %>% hedges_g()
Fig1G<-plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal, rawplot.ylabel = "total no contact (%)")
ggsave('assets/figure/SI total no contact.svg', plot = Fig1G, device = 'svg',dpi = 300)
dabest_hedges$result %>% mutate(p = p_tmp)
```{r SI_total mounting}
df <- read_csv('assets/tables/SI_total_mounting.csv', col_types = cols()) %>% melt() %>% dplyr::rename(group = variable) %>% drop_na()
df %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(mean=round(mean(value),2), sd=round(sd(value),2))
p_tmp<- c(t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value, t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2-/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value)
dabest_hedges <- dabest(df, group, value, idx = c('Tph2+/+','Tph2+/-','Tph2-/-'), paired = FALSE) %>% hedges_g()
Fig1H<-plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal, rawplot.ylabel = "total mounting (%)")
ggsave('assets/figure/SI total mounting.svg', plot = Fig1H, device = 'svg',dpi = 300)
dabest_hedges$result %>% mutate(p = p_tmp)
```{r SI_total aggressiveness}
df <- read_csv('assets/tables/SI_total_aggressiveness.csv', col_types = cols()) %>% melt() %>% dplyr::rename(group = variable) %>% drop_na()
df %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(mean=round(mean(value),2), sd=round(sd(value),2))
p_tmp<- c(t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value, t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2-/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value)
dabest_hedges <- dabest(df, group, value, idx = c('Tph2+/+','Tph2+/-','Tph2-/-'), paired = FALSE) %>% hedges_g()
Fig1I<-plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal, rawplot.ylabel = "total aggressiveness (%)")
ggsave('assets/figure/SI total aggressiveness.svg', plot = Fig1I, device = 'svg',dpi = 300)
dabest_hedges$result %>% mutate(p = p_tmp)
###molecular tests PCR for Oxytocin receptors (Fig3)
##Fig3 dataset description:
A: Diagram of brain punching position
B. Infralimbic cortex
C. Prelimbic cortex
D. Paraventricular nucleus
E. Dorsal raphe nucleus
F. Dorsal granular layer of dentate gyrus
G. Ventral CA1 region of hippocampus
H. Ventral CA3 region of hippocampus
I. Ventral granular layer of dentate gyrus
##FigS3 dataset description
A. Central amygdala
B. Dorsal CA1 region of hippocampus
C. Dorsal CA3 region of hippocampus
```{r PCR_IF}
df <- read_csv('assets/tables/PCR_IF.csv', col_types = cols()) %>% melt() %>% dplyr::rename(group = variable) %>% drop_na()
df %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(mean=round(mean(value),2), sd=round(sd(value),2))
dabest_hedges <- dabest(df, group, value, idx = c('Tph2+/+','Tph2-/-'), paired = FALSE) %>% hedges_g()
plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal)
Fig2A <- plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal, rawplot.ylabel = "mRNA level (% vs Tph2+/+)")
p_tmp<- c(t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2-/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value)
dabest_hedges$result %>% mutate(p = p_tmp)
ggsave('assets/figure/PCR_IF.svg', plot = Fig2A, device = 'svg',dpi = 300)
```{r PCR_PRL}
df <- read_csv('assets/tables/PCR_PRL.csv', col_types = cols()) %>% melt() %>% dplyr::rename(group = variable) %>% drop_na()
df %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(mean=round(mean(value),2), sd=round(sd(value),2))
dabest_hedges <- dabest(df, group, value, idx = c('Tph2+/+','Tph2-/-'), paired = FALSE) %>% hedges_g()
plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal)
Fig2B <- plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal, rawplot.ylabel = "mRNA level (% vs Tph2+/+)")
p_tmp<- c(t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2-/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value)
dabest_hedges$result %>% mutate(p = p_tmp)
ggsave('assets/figure/PCR_PRL.svg', plot = Fig2B, device = 'svg',dpi = 300)
```{r PCR_PVN}
df <- read_csv('assets/tables/PCR_PVN.csv', col_types = cols()) %>% melt() %>% dplyr::rename(group = variable) %>% drop_na()
df %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(mean=round(mean(value),2), sd=round(sd(value),2))
dabest_hedges <- dabest(df, group, value, idx = c('Tph2+/+','Tph2-/-'), paired = FALSE) %>% hedges_g()
plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal)
Fig2C <- plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal, rawplot.ylabel = "mRNA level (% vs Tph2+/+)")
p_tmp<- c(t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2-/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value)
dabest_hedges$result %>% mutate(p = p_tmp)
ggsave('assets/figure/PCR_PVN.svg', plot = Fig2C, device = 'svg',dpi = 300)
```{r PCR_DR}
df <- read_csv('assets/tables/PCR_DR.csv', col_types = cols()) %>% melt() %>% dplyr::rename(group = variable) %>% drop_na()
df %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(mean=round(mean(value),2), sd=round(sd(value),2))
dabest_hedges <- dabest(df, group, value, idx = c('Tph2+/+','Tph2-/-'), paired = FALSE) %>% hedges_g()
plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal)
Fig2D <- plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal, rawplot.ylabel = "mRNA level (% vs Tph2+/+)")
p_tmp<- c(t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2-/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value)
dabest_hedges$result %>% mutate(p = p_tmp)
ggsave('assets/figure/PCR_DR.svg', plot = Fig2D, device = 'svg',dpi = 300)
```{r PCR_dGRDG}
df <- read_csv('assets/tables/PCR_dGRDG.csv', col_types = cols()) %>% melt() %>% dplyr::rename(group = variable) %>% drop_na()
df %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(mean=round(mean(value),2), sd=round(sd(value),2))
dabest_hedges <- dabest(df, group, value, idx = c('Tph2+/+','Tph2-/-'), paired = FALSE) %>% hedges_g()
plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal)
Fig2H <- plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal, rawplot.ylabel = "mRNA level (% vs Tph2+/+)")
p_tmp<- c(t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2-/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value)
dabest_hedges$result %>% mutate(p = p_tmp)
ggsave('assets/figure/PCR_dGRDG.svg', plot = Fig2H, device = 'svg',dpi = 300)
```{r PCR_vCA1}
df <- read_csv('assets/tables/PCR_vCA1.csv', col_types = cols()) %>% melt() %>% dplyr::rename(group = variable) %>% drop_na()
df %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(mean=round(mean(value),2), sd=round(sd(value),2))
dabest_hedges <- dabest(df, group, value, idx = c('Tph2+/+','Tph2-/-'), paired = FALSE) %>% hedges_g()
plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal)
Fig2I <- plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal, rawplot.ylabel = "mRNA level (% vs Tph2+/+)")
p_tmp<- c(t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2-/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value)
dabest_hedges$result %>% mutate(p = p_tmp)
ggsave('assets/figure/PCR_VCA1.svg', plot = Fig2I, device = 'svg',dpi = 300)
```{r PCR_vCA3}
df <- read_csv('assets/tables/PCR_vCA3.csv', col_types = cols()) %>% melt() %>% dplyr::rename(group = variable) %>% drop_na()
df %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(mean=round(mean(value),2), sd=round(sd(value),2))
dabest_hedges <- dabest(df, group, value, idx = c('Tph2+/+','Tph2-/-'), paired = FALSE) %>% hedges_g()
plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal)
Fig2J <- plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal, rawplot.ylabel = "mRNA level (% vs Tph2+/+)")
p_tmp<- c(t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2-/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value)
dabest_hedges$result %>% mutate(p = p_tmp)
ggsave('assets/figure/PCR_vCA3.svg', plot = Fig2J, device = 'svg',dpi = 300)
```{r PCR_vGRDG}
df <- read_csv('assets/tables/PCR_vGRDG.csv', col_types = cols()) %>% melt() %>% dplyr::rename(group = variable) %>% drop_na()
df %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(mean=round(mean(value),2), sd=round(sd(value),2))
dabest_hedges <- dabest(df, group, value, idx = c('Tph2+/+','Tph2-/-'), paired = FALSE) %>% hedges_g()
plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal)
Fig2K <- plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal, rawplot.ylabel = "mRNA level (% vs Tph2+/+)")
p_tmp<- c(t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2-/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value)
dabest_hedges$result %>% mutate(p = p_tmp)
ggsave('assets/figure/PCR_vGRDG.svg', plot = Fig2K, device = 'svg',dpi = 300)
```{r PCR_CA}
df <- read_csv('assets/tables/PCR_CA.csv', col_types = cols()) %>% melt() %>% dplyr::rename(group = variable) %>% drop_na()
df %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(mean=round(mean(value),2), sd=round(sd(value),2))
dabest_hedges <- dabest(df, group, value, idx = c('Tph2+/+','Tph2-/-'), paired = FALSE) %>% hedges_g()
plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal)
Fig2E <- plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal, rawplot.ylabel = "mRNA level (% vs Tph2+/+)")
p_tmp<- c(t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2-/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value)
dabest_hedges$result %>% mutate(p = p_tmp)
ggsave('assets/figure/PCR_CA.svg', plot = Fig2E, device = 'svg',dpi = 300)
```{r PCR_dCA1}
df <- read_csv('assets/tables/PCR_dCA1.csv', col_types = cols()) %>% melt() %>% dplyr::rename(group = variable) %>% drop_na()
df %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(mean=round(mean(value),2), sd=round(sd(value),2))
dabest_hedges <- dabest(df, group, value, idx = c('Tph2+/+','Tph2-/-'), paired = FALSE) %>% hedges_g()
plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal)
Fig2F <- plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal, rawplot.ylabel = "mRNA level (% vs Tph2+/+)")
p_tmp<- c(t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2-/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value)
dabest_hedges$result %>% mutate(p = p_tmp)
ggsave('assets/figure/PCR_dCA1.svg', plot = Fig2F, device = 'svg',dpi = 300)
```{r PCR_dCA3}
df <- read_csv('assets/tables/PCR_dCA3.csv', col_types = cols()) %>% melt() %>% dplyr::rename(group = variable) %>% drop_na()
df %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(mean=round(mean(value),2), sd=round(sd(value),2))
dabest_hedges <- dabest(df, group, value, idx = c('Tph2+/+','Tph2-/-'), paired = FALSE) %>% hedges_g()
plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal)
Fig2G <- plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal, rawplot.ylabel = "mRNA level (% vs Tph2+/+)")
p_tmp<- c(t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2-/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value)
dabest_hedges$result %>% mutate(p = p_tmp)
ggsave('assets/figure/PCR_dCA3.svg', plot = Fig2G, device = 'svg',dpi = 300)
###molecular tests ELISA for Oxytocin (Fig4)
##Fig3 dataset description:
A. Diagram of brain punching position
B. Medial frontal cortex
C. Paraventricular nucleus
D. Central amygdala
E. Hippocampus
##FigS4 dataset description:
A. Dorsal raphe nucleus
```{r OXY_MFC}
df <- read_csv('assets/tables/OXY_MFC.csv', col_types = cols()) %>% melt() %>% dplyr::rename(group = variable) %>% drop_na()
df %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(mean=round(mean(value),2), sd=round(sd(value),2))
dabest_hedges <- dabest(df, group, value, idx = c('Tph2+/+','Tph2-/-'), paired = FALSE) %>% hedges_g()
plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal)
Fig3A <- plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal, rawplot.ylabel = "pg oxytocin/µg tissue protein/ml")
p_tmp<- c(t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2-/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value)
dabest_hedges$result %>% mutate(p = p_tmp)
ggsave('assets/figure/OXY_MFC.svg', plot = Fig3A, device = 'svg',dpi = 300)
df <- read_csv('assets/tables/OXY_PVN.csv', col_types = cols()) %>% melt() %>% dplyr::rename(group = variable) %>% drop_na()
df %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(mean=round(mean(value),2), sd=round(sd(value),2))
dabest_hedges <- dabest(df, group, value, idx = c('Tph2+/+','Tph2-/-'), paired = FALSE) %>% hedges_g()
plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal)
Fig3B <- plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal, rawplot.ylabel = "pg oxytocin/µg tissue protein/ml")
p_tmp<- c(t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2-/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value)
dabest_hedges$result %>% mutate(p = p_tmp)
ggsave('assets/figure/OXY_PVN.svg', plot = Fig3B, device = 'svg',dpi = 300)
```{r OXY_CA}
df <- read_csv('assets/tables/OXY_CA.csv', col_types = cols()) %>% melt() %>% dplyr::rename(group = variable) %>% drop_na()
df %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(mean=round(mean(value),2), sd=round(sd(value),2))
dabest_hedges <- dabest(df, group, value, idx = c('Tph2+/+','Tph2-/-'), paired = FALSE) %>% hedges_g()
plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal)
Fig3D <- plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal, rawplot.ylabel = "pg oxytocin/µg tissue protein/ml")
p_tmp<- c(t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2-/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value)
dabest_hedges$result %>% mutate(p = p_tmp)
ggsave('assets/figure/OXY_CA.svg', plot = Fig3D, device = 'svg',dpi = 300)
```{r OXY_HIP}
df <- read_csv('assets/tables/OXY_HIP.csv', col_types = cols()) %>% melt() %>% dplyr::rename(group = variable) %>% drop_na()
df %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(mean=round(mean(value),2), sd=round(sd(value),2))
dabest_hedges <- dabest(df, group, value, idx = c('Tph2+/+','Tph2-/-'), paired = FALSE) %>% hedges_g()
plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal)
Fig3E <- plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal, rawplot.ylabel = "pg oxytocin/µg tissue protein/ml")
p_tmp<- c(t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2-/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value)
dabest_hedges$result %>% mutate(p = p_tmp)
ggsave('assets/figure/OXY_HIP.svg', plot = Fig3E, device = 'svg',dpi = 300)
```{r OXY_DR}
df <- read_csv('assets/tables/OXY_DR.csv', col_types = cols()) %>% melt() %>% dplyr::rename(group = variable) %>% drop_na()
df %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(mean=round(mean(value),2), sd=round(sd(value),2))
dabest_hedges <- dabest(df, group, value, idx = c('Tph2+/+','Tph2-/-'), paired = FALSE) %>% hedges_g()
plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal)
Fig3C <- plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal, rawplot.ylabel = "pg oxytocin/µg tissue protein/ml")
p_tmp<- c(t.test(df$value[df$group == 'Tph2+/+'], df$value[df$group == 'Tph2-/-'],var.equal=TRUE)$p.value)
ggsave('assets/figure/OXY_DR.svg', plot = Fig3C, device = 'svg',dpi = 300)
# what happens if dabest bugs?
```{r demo dabest debug}
#load the table. for other cases, it might help to keep naming consistent between tables, see example. Also, avoid spaces or weird characters in table names.
df <- read_csv('assets/tables/testname_measure.csv', col_types = cols()) %>% melt() %>% rename(group = variable) %>% drop_na()
dabest_hedges <- dabest(df, group, value, idx = c('Tph2+/+','Tph2+/-'), paired = FALSE) %>% hedges_g()
#figure will require post-pocessing to make do.
plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal)
dabest_hedges <- dabest(df, group, value, idx = c('Tph2+/+','Tph2-/-'), paired = FALSE) %>% hedges_g()
#figure will require post-pocessing to make do.
plot(dabest_hedges, palette = pal)
Finally, you can consider to make composite figures in R. Happy to help you get started.